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Order code: IG4500XXBAA
Ce produit est le successeur direct de nos contrôleurs InteliGen 500, InteliGen NT GC et InteliGen NTC GC.
English (30 Jan 2025)
5 files
English (2 Mar 2025)
English (26 Mar 2025)
4 files
English (3 Sep 2024)
English (9 Mar 2023)
L’InteliGen 500 G2 inclut:
** Fonctionnalité disponible avec une carte enfichable CM2-4G-GPS. |
Can I unlock my controller?
If you have forgotten your controller password, it can be found using the password decode function.
You will need the following information about your device:
You can also show these numbers on your device's display. Typically, this requires a sequence or combination of buttons to be pressed. Details can be found typically in the device Operator guide.
Once you have these numbers, please contact your ComAp distributor and they will help you get your password back.
I cannot program my controller, it looks dead. How do I restore a controller with broken firmware?
How do I connect to my ComAp controller? What types of connections are supported?
ComAp offers a wide range of options to connect to your controller:
Note that some connection types require you to use a communication module (plug-in eg a RS232 card) or communication bridge (external device eg Internet Bridge NT).
Each ComAp device usually allows for multiple ways of connection. The simplest one supported by the majority of our devices is the RS232 (serial) connection. For this, you need an RS232 cable (null modem) and if your PC is not equipped with an RS232 port you need a USB<->RS232 converter.
USB connections are very common. Almost all ComAp devices support connection using simple USB A<->B cable (printer cable) for easy configuration. Some devices can be powered from the USB port for programming to allow easy configuration right on your desk.
Other connection types: Internet connection (LAN, GPRS, 3G, 4G), Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, SNMP, AirGate, Modem.
Note that some connection types require you to use a communication module (plug-in eg a RS232 card) or communication bridge (external device eg Internet Bridge NT). Not all types of connection are possible on each device. You can find all the details related to this topic in your device's Comprehensive guide or Communication guide.
Detailed information about connection to:
InteliLite NT, InteliATS NT, InteliCompact NT is available IL-NT, IA-NT, IC-NT Communication Guide (page 21)
InteliGen-NT, InteliSys-NT, InteliMains-NT is available in IGS-NT Communication Guide (page 19)
InteliLite is available in Global Guide InteliLite AMF25 Global Guide (page 126)
I cannot connect to my controller using the Internet or AirGate connection, why?
How do I change the controller firmware? Where can I get the latest firmware?
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