InteliGen 1000 SC

Order code: IG31000SCBB

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L'InteliGen 1000 SC est un contrôleur haut de gamme pour la mise en parallèle synchronisation et le contrôle de la charge. Ce contrôleur peut être commandé soit manuellement soit par un dispositif de niveau supérieur tel qu'un automate programmable (PLC). En outre, ce contrôleur peut communiquer avec l'ECU d'un moteur pour lire les valeurs spécifiques et fournir des protections de générateur si nécessaire. L'Inteligen 1000 SC est simple à configurer et à utiliser, ce qui permet de réduire les temps d’étude et de mise en service.
  • Commande par signaux binaires ou communication Modbus RTU/TCP
  • Coopération avec jusqu'à 64 groupes électrogènes/régulateurs principaux/régulateurs de couplage supplémentaires
  • Cybersécurité dès la conception
  • Redondance du bus CAN
  • Client Modbus contrôlant des dispositifs tiers
  • Interpréteur PLC intégré
  • Alarmes et protections personnalisées
  • Protections optionnelles intégrées (actives ou passives)
    InteliGen 1000 SC
L'InteliGen 1000 SC signifie contrôleur de synchronisation, qui est contrôlé à l'aide de signaux binaires pour synchroniser et contrôler la charge. En général, un automate de niveau supérieur envoie les signaux binaires. L'InteliGen 1000 SC ne commande pas l'ECU, il lit seulement la communication. Il est destiné aux rétrofits ou aux applications avec PLC.  

L'InteliGen 1000 SC inclut:

  • La sécurité de votre entreprise et de vos données est assurée, conformément aux exigences de sécurité ISA 62443 niveau 2 - niveau 3.
  • Redondance du bus CAN garantissant la création d'une ligne CAN redondante qui prend le relais en cas de défaillance du bus CAN*.
  • Client Modbus qui peut initier une communication Modbus et contrôler des appareils tiers*.
  • Interpréteur PLC intégré avec l'utilisation de l'éditeur PLC gratuit de ComAp
  • Enregistreur de bus CAN intégré et historique basé sur les événements pour un dépannage facile et rapide
  • Nouvelle norme de communication inter-contrôleurs CAN FD permettant de coopérer avec jusqu'à 64 groupes électrogènes/réseau/dijoncteur de couplage.
  • Redondance à chaud permettant à une unité redondante de prendre le relais en cas de défaillance du contrôleur principal, ce qui contribue à minimiser les temps d'arrêt de la solution*.
  • Protections et points de consigne définis par l'utilisateur en plus de la protection par défaut
  • AirGate 2.0 pour une connexion facile à votre équipement à distance, sans avoir à se soucier de l'adresse IP de votre bien.
  • Mesures plus précises grâce à la fonction True Root Mean Square 
  • Contrôle et surveillance à distance des opérations de votre groupe électrogène avec WebSupervisor, notre outil de gestion de flotte basé sur le cloud.
  • Une gamme d'affichages SCADA avec un contenu généré automatiquement qui peut être facilement édité dans notre outil logiciel InteliSCADA.
  • Gestion sécurisée des utilisateurs
  • Options de communication : 3x Ethernet (Modbus TCP, SNMP), 1x RS-485 (Modbus RTU), CAN-BUS intercontrôleur
  • Lecture des données de l'ECU
  • Possibilité de montage sur rail DIN ou sur porte
  • Outil de configuration gratuit InteliConfig pour une mise en service facile et rapide

* Fonctionnalités disponibles avec une clé logicielle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I unlock my controller?

If you have forgotten your controller password, it can be found using the password decode function.

You will need the following information about your device:

  • serial number
  • "password decode" number
Both numbers can be obtained through the monitoring software relevant to the device.
  • Serial number is available in Controller info
  • Password decode number is available in Values / Info

You can also show these numbers on your device's display. Typically, this requires a sequence or combination of buttons to be pressed. Details can be found typically in the device Operator guide.

Once you have these numbers, please contact your ComAp distributor and they will help you get your password back.


I cannot program my controller, it looks dead. How do I restore a controller with broken firmware?

The controller firmware does not usually break by itself however it can be damaged during controller programming, typically if power is lost during the process. If there does not seem to be a hardware issue with the controller there is an option to restore the controller using a process called ‘Boot Jumper’ programming.

This can be described as a sequence of steps you need to perform to allow the configuration tool to write new firmware into the device.

The steps typically are:
  • Physically connect the controller to your PC.
  • Power the controller on and initiate connection and firmware programming from the software tool menu.
  • The software will ask you to switch the device off, close the Boot Jumper and switch the device back on.
  • The programming will then proceed and you will receive further instructions during the process.
The boot jumper can be found either on the communication module (where plug-in modules are used) or on the device itself, typically under a rubber grommet, next to the dongle slot.
The description above is not enough? Try our Booot jumper training video.


How do I connect to my ComAp controller? What types of connections are supported?

ComAp offers a wide range of options to connect to your controller:

  • RS232 / RS485
  • USB - USB A<->B (usually a printer cable)
  • Internet connection - LAN, GPRS, 3G, 4G

Note that some connection types require you to use a communication module (plug-in eg a RS232 card) or communication bridge (external device eg Internet Bridge NT).

Each ComAp device usually allows for multiple ways of connection. The simplest one supported by the majority of our devices is the RS232 (serial) connection. For this, you need an RS232 cable (null modem) and if your PC is not equipped with an RS232 port you need a USB<->RS232 converter.
USB connections are very common. Almost all ComAp devices support connection using simple USB A<->B cable (printer cable) for easy configuration. Some devices can be powered from the USB port for programming to allow easy configuration right on your desk.
Other connection types: Internet connection (LAN, GPRS, 3G, 4G), Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, SNMP, AirGate, Modem.
Note that some connection types require you to use a communication module (plug-in eg a RS232 card) or communication bridge (external device eg Internet Bridge NT). Not all types of connection are possible on each device. You can find all the details related to this topic in your device's Comprehensive guide or Communication guide.
Detailed information about connection to:
InteliLite NT, InteliATS NT, InteliCompact NT is available IL-NT, IA-NT, IC-NT Communication Guide (page 21)
InteliGen-NT, InteliSys-NT, InteliMains-NT is available in IGS-NT Communication Guide (page 19)
InteliLite is available in Global Guide InteliLite AMF25 Global Guide (page 126)


I cannot connect to my controller using the Internet or AirGate connection, why?

Usually connecting to the controller over the internet is straightforward and works out of the box. However, there are a few parameters that need to be set correctly.
  • Make sure you have the latest firmware in the controller itself but also in all the communication modules (plug-in, built-in or external).
  • Ensure the communication interface is configured correctly.
    • CM-4G-GPS, CM-Ethernet, CM-GPRS - Can be set in the controllers setpoints on the unit itself or using InteliConfig configuration software.
    • IB-COM, IB-Lite - Use web interface -  just connect to http://<controller-ip-address>/sp_index.htm using your favourite web browser.
    • InternetBridge-NT 4G, InternetBridge-NT - Requires a software tool called IBNTConfig( and an USB A<->B cable for configuration. This way you can also enable MODBUS, SNMP etc. 
  • Make sure there is no firewall blocking your connection. Consult your IT specialist or ISP if not sure. If you use a firewall, make sure the following ports are open for communication:
    • The device must be able to send data to the AirGate server at UDP port 6127 and TCP port 23. The TCP port can be changed in the module setup to 21 if needed.
    • TCP port 44445 is required for WebSupervisor connection.
    • Port 80 is used for accessing the communication module web interface.
    • Port 502 is used for Modbus TCP communication (enabled by default).
    • Port 161 is used for SNMP (needs to be enabled).

How do I change the controller firmware? Where can I get the latest firmware?

You can download the latest firmware package on the webpage of the device. You can easily navigate there through the ‘Products’ section or just use the Search function. If you cannot find the firmware on the website or if you require different than the offered version do not hesitate to contact our support team.

The firmware upgrade itself is easy to perform. You need the appropriate configuration software and a connection to the controller (preferably a direct connection). Prior to initiating the update process, we strongly recommend you to save a complete backup of your device.

It usually consists of several steps:
  • Create a controller back up.
  • Update the device firmware. It will contain default Configuration Archive and default Application.
  • Change the Application (SPtM, MiNT, MCB, MGCB, BTB, etc) to the required type (by programming appropriate default archive to the controller).
  • Use the Import Configuration Wizard to restore your previous configuration. In some cases manual interventions might be needed during this step.
  • Optional: Update the connected display firmware or device communication module firmware.
Should you be unsuccessful in programming the new version, the rollback procedure is to install previous firmware version and use your back up to restore the controller to its original state before the firmware upgrade was attempted.

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